I can't believe how quickly this summer has gone. Don't get me wrong; I'd rather summer lasted 2 weeks and then fall would last 5 months. We are nearing football season which will be crazy-busy with Hawkeye games on the weekends, lots of guests, cooking and baking and recovering on Sundays. Before I know it, we'll be nearing the holidays and I will have to make a mad dash to get Christmas shopping done. But these few months are my favorite of the year by far.
I tried out echo quilting on my machine for the first time the other night. I was pleased with how quickly the baby-size quilt was finished. I found it difficult to be as accurate and consistent as I would like to have been (some wobbles and a few jagged corners), but it worked out great and I sewed binding on last night. Probably not something I'd do on too many quilts, but on some it would work out great. Pictures to come. (this is the "monogram" quilt I ranted about previously)
Other than that, I haven't taken a lot of sewing time in the last week, but that's OK. I have about 4 things to be quilted on the docket with the first order of business being my Christmas quilt. Really really want to have that done in time for actual Christmas. After a disappointing fall last year in which I had 2 projects in the last stages but never got to use them during the season, I'm hoping that I can finish Christmas Stars in time. And on the bright side, I have 2 new quilt projects to decorate with this fall. Then on to Valentine's Day!
We finally got our cable set up after a little hiatus. I went a year without having DVR on my TV upstairs. I know this sounds a lot like whining. But, well...I am whining. It will just be nice to be able to record my TV shows and watch them in a place that's convenient to me without having to kick my husband off his favorite TV. Plus the basement is really cold in the winter and I like to turn the fireplace on and watch "my" TV upstairs. Hopefully I won't get in trouble for referring to it as "my" TV. :)
It's funny how little things can make you a little bit happier. Although, doing without can be a good thing, too. I feel ridiculous for even mentioning it in a way, since plenty of people get along just fine without things like DVR or multiple TVs. Like whining about not having A/C...I mean, I grew up without it but somehow I feel like I'll die a hot, steamy death if I have to live without it for a little bit.
Anyhow...hoping this week wraps up quickly and maybe I'll even get some sewing done this weekend! Oh, and my son in almost walking for real now so that's super exciting. Hopefully we'll get some good video of it this weekend.
Quilty Pleasures at Quiltville Inn!
1 day ago
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