My son turned one yesterday, and I found myself thinking, "Wow. It's been a year. I would have thought that I would have it more together by now." It's true. I still feel like I'm trying to find a balance that works for me. So far, there have been bright spots, but mostly I feel as though I'm just keeping my head above water. I'm still trying to decide where sewing and quilting falls amongst all my regular chores. I have pledged to keep the kitchen clean and picked up and I have mostly succeeded in doing that. My husband helps me with laundry and I do grocery shopping and meal planning/preparing. But after I put my son to bed, I have a list of things in my mind that I should do while he's sleeping. Sometimes I do them, but I've also been known to put those things off to wander down to my sewing room and do a little work before I head to bed. I'm actually happy because when I was pregnant I pretty much assumed that once I had my baby, I wouldn't be sewing much if at all. I've actually been able to accomplish many things and haven't slowed down too much, which means I'm either a) a multi-tasking bad-ass, or b) I was quite inefficient with my time before. Okay, maybe a little of both.
Quilting has always been a creative outlet for me that is relaxing and centering and I'd be less happy if I had to give that up. But sometimes I feel that I'm making a decision between leaving something kind of important behind or doing something creative that is tugging on my sleeve. Guilt, anyone?
We'll see. Hopefully this winter will slow down a bit and I'll find more time and energy to accomplish all the things I need to. For right now, I'm playing it by ear.
Quilty Pleasures at Quiltville Inn!
12 hours ago