Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What a Sham!

I had put together a scrappy Irish Chain quilt about a year ago and my brother's girlfriend had offered to have her mom machine quilt it for me. I have tried to take pictures of this quilt but because it's so large, the pictures haven't turned out very well. My husband and I decided to use this new quilt for our bed in the summer since our down comforter can get to be a little much. Of course, I realized that our duvet cover shams didn't really go with the quilt, so I toyed with the idea of making shams. I wasn't sure exactly how to go about it, but I sketched out a plan and the last time I got some free time, I just started sewing. I decided to put the same binding on them that is on the quilt, and I think they turned out well. The only hesitation I had was that they aren't quilted so they have a different look than the quilt. After some reflection, I decided I was too glad that they were finished to really care.

My next time-sensitive project is a play tent for a little girl who's turning one year old soon! It's going to look like a teepee of sorts but with PVC pipe poles and lots of pink and green fabric! I've seen projects like this and have a plan in my head sort of, but I still haven't bought the PVC. We'll see how much work it takes to get it standing.

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