Monday, May 24, 2010


Here are some projects that I've been working on. I saw a throw pillow a few months ago that used the Cathedral Windows pattern. I had never seen anything like it and I loved it! I will probably try to make a bigger quilt one day, but for now, just trying the technique out was enough for now. I love how it turned out!

I had these 3 blocks just sitting around and I thought I should do something with them. I was going to make a few more blocks, but I couldn't figure out where I had put the instructions for how to make them or measurements, etc. so I just decided to use the three of them and make a wall hanging!

I also had this scrappy top just folded up in my sewing room and although it's a little crazy, I thought I would just put it out of my misery and quilt it already! I'm almost done with it and that will be another thing to cross off my list! Yay!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I had a nice little surprise finish this weekend with a quilt that I have been stepping around for some time. I call it "Seizure" because I figure if you look at it long enough, it just may give you a seizure! I had it basted and ready to quilt forever ago, but it just never made it to the top of my list. I started hand-quilting it, and then stopped in favor of other projects. Friday night after I put my son to bed, I looked at it and decided that I was going to go for it. I ripped out the tiny bit of hand quilting there was (normally that would make me cringe, but there was literally about 12 inches of it total) and started in looping around in orange quilting thread. In no time at all, it was done! And it turned out great! I don't know what I was waiting for, frankly. So I slapped some binding on it and it's ready for...something other than waiting to be quilted! CHECK!! I got the fabric on clearance as part of a tote bag pattern. It's pretty wild and not really my taste, but someone out there might just like it!

I have the day off tomorrow and have declared it (to myself at least) as the day to "Cross Things Off the List" in honor of my triumphant finish of "Seizure". Wish me luck! It's a LONG list! :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Christmas in...May?

I've been holding on to some Christmas fabric for about 2 years now. It's sat in my sewing room in a plastic bag and every once in awhile I take it out and look at it and try to figure out what I could do with it. I love the fabrics themselves, but I couldn't think of a way to use them that I would be happy with so I would just pack them back up for another time. So many of the Christmas quilts out there are too country or too cute. Anyways, I finally found something I thought would work and so I just started cutting fabric. Just dive in, I say. It's going to involve applique, so I can get more practice with it. I might even try machine applique rather than doing it all by hand. And maybe, just maybe I'll have it done in time for Christmas. Well, I can hope, right?
On a non-sewing note, I've been dealing with some office politics lately. Turns out, I really hate that sort of thing. My husband is KING of those sorts of things and I'm hopeless. I generally really love going to work and all, but lately, it's just been frought with negative feelings and the tiniest bit of dispair. I felt like I had things in balance and I was proud of that since I recently had a child and was sorting out how everything would work out in my home/work life. Back to the drawing board, I guess. Nobody really reads this, so I guess it's okay to complain a little. Hopefully things will start looking up soon. Rickets!